Abilities affected are listed in their class sections.
Some area-of-effect abilities are no longer maximum target capped and instead deal reduced damage beyond 5 or 8 targets. Added weather effects in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Fixed an issue with the mouths on several male Nightborne face options. After accepting the dungeon quest, speak to the NPC again to choose to skip the quest. The dungeon quests for unlocking Kul Tiran humans, Mechagnomes, and Dark Iron Dwarves are no longer required. Lightforged Draenei Paladins now have a unique class mount – the Lightforged Ruinstrider. New character customization options for Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei, Nightborne, and Void Elves. Available in Eight Colors – This Achievement is now account-wide and grants all color options for the X-995 Mechanocat mount to all characters on your account. “Playtime’s Over” and “Battle Tested” – Both of these quests are now always offered as follow-ups to “Toys of Destruction” (was 1, chosen randomly). Oxidized Leachbeast now has significantly more chances to spawn during rain. Duration of rain reduced, but the spawn rate of Oxidized Leachates during rain is drastically increased (700% faster).
Paint Vial: Lemonade Steel – Droprate of Exothermic Evaporator Coil increased.OOX-Fleetfoot/MG now has a Vignette star that pings the minimap when he races by if you are eligible to loot OOX-Avenger/MG.
Blueprint: Emergency Rocket Chicken – OOX-Fleetfoot/MG respawns faster and no longer despawns if not killed by the end of its path.Blueprint: Holographic Digitalization Relay – Drop rate increased from all hologram bosses.Vinyl: Battle for Gnomeregan – Drop rate increased from all hologram bosses.Vinyl: Triumph of Gnomeregan – Now a guaranteed drop from the Hard Mode version of the Reclamation Rig event.The following changes have been made to Mecha-Done:.