(room host only) Set room parameters (see below) Here is a list of commands: /spectate or /spec Move yourself or someone else (room host only) to spectator bracket /play Move yourself or someone else (room host only) to players bracket /ignore or /i Ignore a user /unignore or /ui Unignore a user /kick or /k (room host only) Kick a user from the room /clear or /c Clear room chat for just you /clearall or /ca (room host only) Clear room chat for everyone /start (room host only) Start the game /takehost (room creator only) Take back your position as host of a room /host NAME (room host / creator only) Pass on host owner ship to somebody else /set NAME1=VALUE1 NAME2=VALUE2. Commands were added in Version 3.1.0, Version 3.2.0 and Version 4.1.1.
How do kicks behave when using 180° rotations?Ĭommands are actions you can take by typing them in the chat of a custom multiplayer room. What do the indicators and graphs on the replay timeline mean?. What do the different targeting modes do?. How much XP do I need to reach level X?. How does the game decide which rank I have?. How many lines of garbage do my attacks send?. My game is behaving weirdly / I can't connect / I keep getting connection errors. The desktop version's uncapped framerate destroys my laptop!. I have finished my 10 placement matches, but still have no rank?. Ranks are messed up, I beat a and get crushed by a. Why did I get matched against a rank when I am only !. The handling feels slippery, but my settings are the same as on JSTRIS. I find this site helpful, how can I help?. What are those lines about a new TR formula and new percentiles?. How can I see player averages / medians / maximums for a specific rank?.
What is the box under the graphs in the player stats section?. Note: disabled links below are planned questions that haven't been written yet. If you find a mistake or think items should be added to this FAQ, please tag on the Discord server. This FAQ answers to questions for both TETR.IO and TETR.IO STATS, and also serves as an unofficial manual.