The learning module 8 (first topic) includes subchapters that present the symbols, datum indications, figures and examples of 2D and 3D drawing indications of datums (datum feature indicators and identifiers, datum targets, specification of datums and datum systems) according to the latest versions of ISO 5459 and ISO 1101. The authors of this paper developed these courses allowing students to gain enough knowledge on subjects like metrology, measurements, design and technical drawings. MADALINA - Haide cu Jack (VIDEO MANELE 2015). GPS specifications are continuously growing, and many additional tools appeared, especially new, so-called modifiers. Calin Crisan - Ce frumoasa esti nevasta mea (video oficial) NOU 2017.

The ISO GPS standards define the language that allows expressing all requirements for the geometry of a product considering the current possibilities of measurement.
This paper presents the challenges encountered in elaborating two learning modules for the Erasmus+ project 2015-1-PL01-KA202-016875N “GEOMETRICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATION (GPS) AND VERIFICATION AS TOOLBOX TO MEET UP-TO-DATE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS”. CALIN CRISAN - CELE MAI FRUMOASE MELODII (COLAJ NOU 2015) COLINDE - CALIN CRISAN SI LUMINITA PUSCAS (COLAJ 2014) 2021 v3.4.